About Us
About Service
1- Yachtseller.net online sale and purchase services
sale and purchase of ships,yachts equipments and other marine products
2- Yachtseller.net only provides the infrastructure which enables its Members , Clients to get into contact, registering your vessels,yachts
and equipments with Yachtseller.net is free of charge,listing on a no brokers and ship owners commission.
3- The execution of the transactions shall be the exclusive responsibility
of the members involved. Yachtseller.net shall not warrant that the transactions entered into between members can orderly executed.
Yachtseller.net shall also not act in any mediating or arbitrating way in
case of disputes between members.
4- If not declared in a special agreement the contractual relationships
between members and Yachtseller.net shall be governed only by the terms and conditions
Yacht & Boat sale and purchase products
1- Need registration on Yachtseller.net for the purpose to sell products
2- All parties offering products on Yachtseller.net have to registered
members.The seller of a product is responsible for the data posted.
Yachtseller.net can not guarantee that the information on the website
is correct.